Two Ways to Enter
Fill out VASGC Online Form
Fill out NARBC’s WSG Entry Form,
Complete exhibitor, skein, & garment sections only. Then send form & electronic copies of your photos to the show secretary. Note: Contact Tammy Vaughn if you have any questions or issues sending photos.
General Rules
The entry must be the original work of the exhibitor.
All entries must be created within the previous 12 months.
Entry must not be entered in any previous VASGC.
Youth entries are reserved for exhibitors 18 years of age and younger.
Absolutely no identifiers visible in photos or in description text; i.e. price, name, business card, etc.
The entry must be submitted before the deadline.
All entries are subject to review.
Contest results will be posted within 2 weeks of the contest ending.
Exhibitors will give Show Secretary & the Hosting Club full rights to use the images and description submitted for this competition to use for promotional materials.
Skein Rules
Weight of skein is to be at least 1 oz., except for class A1, which is to be at least ½ oz. Underweight skeins will be disqualified.
All skeins must be handspun and be tied in 4 places.
Garment Rules
All entries must be at least 50% Angora, except where noted (Woven/Felted/Novelty/Cottage).
If an item is made by more than one person, it should be entered in all persons’ names.
Please indicate if your pattern is original. If you are using someone else’s pattern, please include credit to the owner.
Photo Rules
Garments should have at least 1 photo of the garment being worn by a mannequin or a person. If a person is wearing a garment, remove any personal identifiers.
Garments should have at least 1 photo of the yarn used in the project.
Skeins should have at least 1 photo of the entire skein, and several closeups showing the details of the yarn.
Very helpful to the judge, if you include several close up photos, showing various details of your work.
Must include minimum 5 photos, maximum 10 photos for each entry.
Skein Awarded Classes & Sub-classes
A. 100% Angora- white or natural color 1. Singles, fine and even as possible 2. Two-ply, fine, medium or bulky
3. Other ply or novelty
B. 100% Angora- dyed 1. Singles, fine and even as possible 2. Two-ply, fine, medium or bulky
3. Other ply or novelty
C. Blended Angora (must be at least 50%)-natural or dyed
1. Singles, fine and even as possible 2. Two-ply, fine, medium or bulky
3. Other ply or novelty
D. Angora plied with other fiber (must be 50% angora, may use commercial yarn for plying)
1. Two-ply, fine, medium or bulky
2. Other ply or novelty
E. Novice spinner-spinning 1 year or less, or under 16 years of age. Anything Goes!
Garment Awarded Classes & Sub-classes
NOTE: Class D is homemade garments constructed with commercially spun yarns. All other Classes are homemade garments constructed using Angora Handspun Yarns.
A. Large Wearable (sweater, vest, shawl, etc.)
1. 100% Angora
2. Combination Angora & other fiber
B. Small Wearable (mittens, scarf, hat, collar, etc.) 1. 100% Angora 2. Combination Angora & other fiber
C. Baby/Children’s Article
D. Cottage, a commercially spun yarn with a minimum of 25% Angora 1. Milled using Angora that has been raised by the person entering the garment entry 2. Other sourced Angora yarn
E. Handwoven Wearable 1. Large Wearable 2. Small Wearable
F. Felted Wearable 1. Large Wearable 2. Small Wearable
G. Novelty (Toys, crafts jewelry, wall hanging, afghan, felted item)